Hurray! We have set the path variable to now point to Maven's bin folder. Pay attention that: is the path separator.
Here we are saying that update the PATH variable with the existing value of path + the new value of Maven's bin folder. $ export PATH=$PATH:/Users/viren/Documents/AllBins/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin/ Just get your correct Maven's bin folder path, command to do that is In my system the bin path of Maven folder is /Users/viren/Documents/AllBins/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin/. Use the bin path corresponding to the new maven location. Note: Before doing that copy the unzipped folders from step 2 to some permanent location. Lets now update the path variable to point to Maven's bin folder. Here you can see that there is no path related to your mvn files. To see only the path variable values we can type in command Now you have to find the path variable in the result of the printing command and see what all values we have in the path variable. Once you have the terminal window up type in the following command to see all the environment variable You can find it using the Finder application by searching for the Terminal application. Open the terminal window on your Mac machine. We have to mention this file path in the Path variable of Mac system. This is the file that is used to run Maven commands. There will be a folder called bin, this folder will have a file called mvn. After unzipping the downloaded file just open the unzipped folder. Path variable will have to be updated to include the path on which you will copy all your Maven libraries. Like on a Windows system we have to set the path variable on a Mac machine too. Here is what you will get when you will unzip/double click the folder tag.gz file that we have got is apache-maven-3.3.3-bin-2.tar. Now go to the Downloads folder and unzip the files thereby double-clicking on the downloaded file.
Download folder icon can be found on the upper right corner of the Safari browser window. tar.gz file will be downloaded in the Downloads folder. On the downloads page above click on the link apache-maven-3.3. link.

The latest version of Maven is Maven 3.3.3. To do so you have we will go to the page Maven download. Step 1 - Download Maven binariesįirst, we have to download to Maven binaries. Prerequisite: Make sure you have Java installed on your Mac machine. We will learn to set up Maven on Mac machines here and rest is the same on the two platforms. You can take a look at the tutorials here: Maven basics remain same across Windows and Mac machines. The setup is almost similar to what we have to do on a Windows machine. Maven is a tool that is also available on Mac machine.